Samninganefndin ekki starfi sínu vaxin !!!
12.8.2009 | 18:19
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Fólkið valdi af frjálsum vilja og ætlaði að græða .Þeirra vandamál .Af hverju verslaði þetta fólk ekki við sína innlendu banka ?
Við eigum ekki að borga og borgum ekki !
Kristín (IP-tala skráð) 12.8.2009 kl. 20:32
síðan líka það að við þurfum ekki að borga í 7 ár .. þá á að byrja að borga af þessu... en hinsvegar safnast vextir í þessi sjö ár... sem og árin sem tekur að borga þetta. Einhverstðar heyrði ég 100 milljónir á dag.
Þótt að það sé eitthvað minna að þá er þetta geðveiki.
Hvað gengur ríkisstjórninni til ... útrásarvíkingarnir ganga lausir og sinna sínum viðskiptum eins og ekkert hafi í skorist.. og lifa í lúxus ... en lífsskilyrði okkar eru skorin niður og hundruðum milljarða er skellt á þjóðina.
ThoR-E, 12.8.2009 kl. 23:19
I might be wrong, but it seems all the Icelandic Depositors did not lose anything..........My account was closed in the old Landsbanki and opened in the new Landsbanki because my account was in Iceland. I did not lose a Kronur....All the accounts in the UK were closed........(Think.......If you were in were safe....If you were in an útibu(Kopavogar) you didn´t get a penny from the old Landsbanki...........The British Government paid the Icesave investors...........The Red Cross, Oxfam, West Yorkshire council and hundreds of charities and councils will to sue Iceland individually if the Icelandic Government does not agree to pay back what was stolen. The stolen money was used to buy Yachts, private jets and other expensive items such as penthouses in London and New York. Some of it was use to buy Range rovers, luxus Jeeps, big american 3.5 ton ranch waggons, quad bikes, mobile homes, trailer tents, new homes, new summer houses, and lots of other items that the Icelandic Nation could not really afford. Some members of your Government are trying to blame the Dutch and the British for not stopping IceSave.........Can you imagine what would have happened if the UK Government had stopped Icesave....Your entire Nation would have been "Screaming ".......How dare the UK Government stop IceSave...........!!!! Your Government was warned but sat picking their noses and did nothing......NOTHING !!! Your Central Bank was warned but sat picking their noses and did nothing.......Your newspapers said, the British and the rest of the world are Jealous because of our succes.....Your President said "You ain´t seen nothing yet !!!" Well...we have seen it all now.........
The British and Dutch citizens could not care less who stole the money !!! all they want is that their money is paid back.......You really need to stop blaming everyone else for what happened in Iceland....Your Government....Your Gangsters........You really need to get the people whole stole all this money, and freeze their assets, and put them behind bars....Good Luck !!!
Fair Play (IP-tala skráð) 13.8.2009 kl. 00:11
Fair Play:
The money was not stolen by the Icelandic nation. The money was stolen by the owners and the tops of the banks. They opened Icesave and loned themselves the money to personal use.
99% of the icelandic nation didn´t even know what Icesave was.
Icesave was a casino. You put your money there and the intrests are that you can make alot of money. But in casinos ... you can also loose.
Blaming this on people who didn´t even know what was going on .. is silly.
The bankowners are beeing investigated and will be brought to justice. Theyr assets will be frozen and siezed.
Doesn´t it make more sense .. getting the money back from Landsbanki .. insted of making the Icelandic people pay for it?
You talk like the whole nation was buying yacts and mobile homes and quad bikes and so on ... maby 1-2% of the people here was spending millions on that kind of things.
Normal people here maby bought themselves a car, and a home .. but dont you buy cars and homes in England... or Holland ???
Icesave will not go through parliment like this. Not a chance.
ThoR-E, 13.8.2009 kl. 00:24
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